Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Historical Perspectives and Addressing Poverty and Racism

Americans are harsh and idealistic. . .prone to crisis rhetoric and nostalgia. . .

And these weaknesses, I believe, disproportionately impact negatively our poor in this country. . .especially the children who are both poor and voiceless in a democracy (republic). . .

While we rant and slander Obama. . .what was it like in those golden days of yore. . .The Reagan Years. . .

Toward the end of Reagan's second term, his approval rating was 35%. . .And the graph of Reagan's approval ratings looks similar to Clinton's. . .

In 1986, a poll revealed that 56% of African-Americans believed Reagan to be a racist. . .

No one, especially the poor and disenfranchised/marginalized in our society, benefits from partisan rhetoric aimed at gaining political ground. . .

Whether it is health care or the terribly flawed education agenda under Obama, we need to set aside our patterns of discourse and seek action that matches the needs of those who need action the most. . .